Software Update – Registry Browser v3.11a

Windows Registry Forensics - Registry Browser v3Registry Browser has been used throughout the law enforcement (LE) community to forensically examine the Windows Registry for over a decade.  Until now, Registry Browser has been licensed exclusively for use by LE.

Lock and Code is proud to announce that coinciding with the release of Registry Browser v3.11a, the usage license for Registry Browser has now been expanded beyond the LE community and is now available to all.  It is our hope that the broader digital evidence community will benefit from the addition of Registry Browser to their software toolbox.  Lock and Code will now also be supporting and hosting Registry Browser.

Apart from the license, there are other changes to note.

  1. AppCompatCache viewer module.  Useful in Malware examinations, the AppCompatCache registry key stores a list of exe files and how they should be executed eg. as administrator, emulating Windows XP, etc.
  2. Improved Windows 7 support and Windows 8 support.
  3. Bookmarking MRU feature.  Quickly jump to keys you visit frequently.
  4. Reporting of keys from multiple control sets.
  5. Automatic reporting of Wow3264 keys.

Visit the Registry Browser Home Page for further information, installers, screenshots and additional resources.  Be sure to join the mailing list if you wish to be notified of updates.

The latest version v3.11a is available below.

Registry Browser v3.11a
Registry Browser v3.11a
Version: 3.11a
2.7 MiB